Thursday, April 16, 2009

moving on to a new adventure...

Well hello all my friends out on the world wide web... I hope you all are having a great week!! I can't believe it's already half way through April, my birthday is next Wednesday and I'm turning 25...

But the real reason you've come to this blog page is to read about what's about to happen in my life. I've given some hints on facebook that something was about to happen and how I told you I was moving out of southern California around the end of May... well here is my story, which I'll try to keep short but I must confess - I am wordy.

At the end of May I'll be packing up my things into the ol' Chevy and will be headed north to Santa Cruz! What?? Santa Cruz you say!?!? Oh my gosh Josh! What the...? What about graphic design? Why would you leave us?? It better not be for a girl... if its for a girl I'm gonna... (those are just some of the responses I've gotten, haha)

First let me say that I've lived in southern California, usually referred to as SoCal, since I was about 9 years old. Ever since then I've never really cared to venture anywhere north of San Clemente for more than a day or two... I just prefer southern California, haha... well my friends, that's all about to change for me.

I've taken a job at a wonderful Christian camp ground called Mount Hermon, located in the Santa Cruz Mountains. It's incredibly beautiful up there! My title is quite a mouthful: assistant college program director. To summarize my duties and responsibilities, I'll be doing stuff with people. haha, was that descriptive enough? Good, I thought so.

Many friends have been asking me why I've chosen to quit my well payed graphic design job with benefits to go work on staff at a camp... well to put it simply: I want to be used for something greater than my self.

My friend Jordan from Urban Rescue writes:
I lay down all my crowns and yield to your word
and I fall down to the ground and surrender my world.
Jesus you are my world, all that I have, all that I have.
Jesus you are my world, all that I have is yours.
These lyrics describe some of what I've been going through the last several months. I've been holding on selfishly to my wants and my desires. I've been in control of my life and frankly that's the way I like it. I'm stubborn. But living for yourself can only be so fulfilling before you find yourself wanting more out of life. And that's where I found myself... wanting more out of life. I knew deep in my heart that I had to make a change. I knew I couldn't get what I was looking for at my current job and knew that probably meant moving away somewhere. After fighting those thoughts for months I finally gave up and "surrendered my world". I gave up my wants and desires to be open to what God would have for me.

After some doors closed and others opened I found myself accepting the job at Mount Hermon. And let me tell you... I am so excited to have the opportunity to move up to Santa Cruz to serve at Mount Hermon! I know the Lord is guiding my steps. okay... so that was the short version, haha!!

Instead of collecting email address' and sending out a mass email I'm going to use this blog to document my journey with photos and videos and blog entries, so please feel free to subscribe to it if you wish or just check back every now and then.

Your encouragement, support and prayers are deeply appreciated! I'm so thankful for all of the people I've been blessed with in my life, you are all amazing! And if you don't know me and you're reading this... well, I still think you're amazing!

Have a great weekend!!
